

I am a mechatronics engineer with interests in precision machine design and control. While my degree is in mechanical engineering, I am also a hobbyist programmer with interests in scientific computation and text-based interaction. I also have a minor degree in linguistics, which is my primary interest in the liberal arts.

A long-time lurker on Hacker News, I have always enjoyed the insightful technical blogs common in the software engineering community. However, as a student and continuing learner, I have been disappointed by the relative dearth of similar technical blogs for mechanical engineering theory and practice. I seek to fill part of this niche with content on my curriculum and industry specializations as well as providing a mechanical engineer’s perspective on modern programming and computing. My hope is that this website may prove useful for students of engineering and the otherwise curious.


This site is hosted for free with GitHub Pages. It uses Jekyll, a static site generator written in Ruby. I used the Hyde theme of the Poole template to get started.

The name of the site, skezu’e (pronounced /skezuhe/) means “engineering” in Lojban, a syntactically unambiguous constructed human language I have studied. The word is a lujvo, a semantically conventionalized tanru (compound) of the brivla (predicates) saske and zukte. Okay, enough nerd-sniping.


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Thanks for reading!